
How To Remove Background Unity

How to dynamically delete the background of an image with OpenCV plus Unity

2 minute read

Matter you want to do

I wanted to make an app like Rakugaki AR, so this time I used OpenCV to delete the groundwork of the image imported into Unity (transparency). )To practice.
The source lawmaking is uploaded beneath.


Like this
From the left, the groundwork of the image could be made transparent from the procedure of [Original image-> Grayscale-> Binarization-> Masking-> Delete background].



  • Windows10 Abode
  • Unity 2019.iv.8f1
  • OpenCV plus Unity ane.7.ane

Try OpenCV plus Unity

First, create a Unity project and import OpenCV plus Unity from the AssetStore.
When the import is complete, an error [ error CS0227: Dangerous code may only appear if compiling with / unsafe. Enable "Allow'unsafe' code" in Actor Settings to prepare this mistake. </Font>] I think that will come up out. ![OpenCVplusUnityエラー.png]( Since the unsafe code is used, check [File-> BuildSettings-> PlayerSettings-> Player-> OtherSettings-> Allow'unsafe' Code]. Now that the error is gone, let'south have a look at the OpenCVplus Unity demo. This time, I want to extract the outline of the prototype, so open the demo [Avails-> OpenCV + Unity-> Demo-> Identifiy_Contours_by_Shape-> ContoursByShapeScene.scene]. The execution result looks like this. ![Demo実行結果.png]( Black and white images with color and text. ![デモ結果.png]( Make the background of the image transparent based on this demo.

Remove image background

Import image

Import the image file into Unity. Since it cannot be read as it is, cheque Read / Write Enabled.


From the original image (m_texture)
[Original image-> Grayscale prototype-> Contour extraction epitome-> Masked image-> Background transparent image] is displayed.

                              namespace                OpenCvSharp.Demo                {                using                UnityEngine                ;                using                System.Collections                ;                using                OpenCvSharp                ;                using                UnityEngine.UI                ;                using                System.Threading.Tasks                ;                using                System.Collections.Generic                ;                public                class                MakeImageBackgroundTransparentUsingOpenCV                :                MonoBehaviour                {                #                region                public                members                public                Texture2D                m_texture                ;                public                RawImage                m_image_origin                ;                public                RawImage                m_image_gray                ;                public                RawImage                m_Image_binarization                ;                public                RawImage                m_image_mask                ;                public                RawImage                m_image_backgroundTransparent                ;                public                double                v_thresh                =                180                ;                public                double                v_maxval                =                255                ;                #                endregion                private                void                Beginning                ()                {                #                region                load                texture                Mat                origin                =                Unity                .                TextureToMat                (                this                .                m_texture                );                m_image_origin                .                texture                =                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                origin                );                #                endregion                #                region                Gray                scale                image                Mat                grayMat                =                new                Mat                ();                Cv2                .                CvtColor                (                origin                ,                grayMat                ,                ColorConversionCodes                .                BGR2GRAY                );                m_image_gray                .                texture                =                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                grayMat                );                #                endregion                #                region                Find                Edge                Mat                thresh                =                new                Mat                ();                Cv2                .                Threshold                (                grayMat                ,                thresh                ,                v_thresh                ,                v_maxval                ,                ThresholdTypes                .                BinaryInv                );                m_Image_binarization                .                texture                =                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                thresh                );                #                endregion                #                region                Create                Mask                Mat                Mask                =                Unity                .                TextureToMat                (                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                grayMat                ));                Signal                [][]                contours                ;                HierarchyIndex                []                hierarchy                ;                Cv2                .                FindContours                (                thresh                ,                out                contours                ,                out                hierarchy                ,                RetrievalModes                .                Tree                ,                ContourApproximationModes                .                ApproxNone                ,                null                );                for                (                int                i                =                0                ;                i                <                contours                .                Length                ;                i                ++)                {                Cv2                .                DrawContours                (                Mask                ,                new                Betoken                [][]                {                contours                [                i                ]                },                0                ,                new                Scalar                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ),                -                one                );                }                Mask                =                Mask                .                CvtColor                (                ColorConversionCodes                .                BGR2GRAY                );                Cv2                .                Threshold                (                Mask                ,                Mask                ,                v_thresh                ,                v_maxval                ,                ThresholdTypes                .                Binary                );                m_image_mask                .                texture                =                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                Mask                );                #                endregion                #                region                TransparentBackground                Mat                transparent                =                origin                .                CvtColor                (                ColorConversionCodes                .                BGR2BGRA                );                dangerous                {                byte                *                b_transparent                =                transparent                .                DataPointer                ;                byte                *                b_mask                =                Mask                .                DataPointer                ;                bladder                pixelCount                =                transparent                .                Height                *                transparent                .                Width                ;                for                (                int                i                =                0                ;                i                <                pixelCount                ;                i                ++)                {                if                (                b_mask                [                0                ]                ==                255                )                {                b_transparent                [                0                ]                =                0                ;                b_transparent                [                1                ]                =                0                ;                b_transparent                [                2                ]                =                0                ;                b_transparent                [                iii                ]                =                0                ;                }                b_transparent                =                b_transparent                +                4                ;                b_mask                =                b_mask                +                1                ;                }                }                m_image_backgroundTransparent                .                texture                =                Unity                .                MatToTexture                (                transparent                );                #                endregion                }                }                }                          


Prepare a GameObject and 5 RawImages to adhere the above script.
MakeImageBackgroundTransparentUsingOpen Attach the imported paradigm to CV and RawImage.


When executed, [Original paradigm-> Grayscale prototype-> Outline extraction epitome-> Masked paradigm-> Background transparent image] is displayed.

  • If it doesn't work, try playing with the value of v_thresh.


――It seems that yous tin can use it for AR apps.
–It is necessary to exist able to handle images other than those with a white groundwork.


-Coloring volume AR made with OpenCV / ARCore / Unity:
Takashi Yoshinaga

How To Remove Background Unity,


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